Health could not be more important right now with all the craziness that is going on. But when I say health, I do not just mean your physical health but also your mental health.
You may be finding yourself feeling down lately, whether it is due to inconsistency with your work, not being allowed to visit friends or loved ones or not being able to do certain activities that use to bring you joy
These are hard times and you need to make sure you do not just look after yourself physically but also mentally.

Are you aware just how much physical activity can lead to massive positive effects on your mental health?
If you are someone who is feeling down or feel like you may be struggling at the moment then getting out and exercising is the best medicine!

When we exercise, a few changes occur in our brains. 
One of the main changes that occurs is our brain releases what is called endorphins, which are chemicals that promote feelings of general well-being. 
Therefore, the more physically active you are the more endorphins you release leading to a happier and more positive self.

Exercise also:
-boosts mental energy
-reduces tension and stress
-increases confidence in yourself, and
-can increase social interaction (who couldn’t use that right now!) (1)

In order to begin achieving some of these positive outcomes, it is recommended that you try to be active 30 minutes a day for three to five days a week in order to achieved those positive outcomes mentioned above. (2)

Getting out and exercising with a friend, whether it is a walk, run, gym session, bike ride or anything else you want to do is a great way to decrease, stress, release endorphins and socialise in person – socially distanced of course.

If group exercise is something that you think may interest you, CSSM offers Pilates classes, with multiple classes running daily, gym sessions, as well as our new run club that runs twice a week (except during Stage 3 restrictions).
If you are more of a solo exerciser, then check out Sallys blog ‘Exercising in the world of covid craziness’ for some exercise tips and ideas you can do in the comfort of your own home.

It may feel like the last thing you want to do but getting out there and being active is a great way to look after your health physically and mentally. 

  1. Robinson L. The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise [Internet]. 2020 [cited 7 February 2020]. Available from:
    2. Sharma A,Madaan V, Petty F. Exercise for Mental Health. The Primary Care Companion to The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2006;08(02):106.